Not too pretty allthough its still worth the time.

User Rating: 3.9 | Digimon World 3: Aratanaru Bouken no Tobira PS
This game disappointed me more than ever by the lame battles and card games and the game is kinda frustrated that you see dumb lil monsters such as dinosaurs or mutated fish running around and killing stuff.But
its still kinda fun I mean since theres digivolving and levels to grow and a wide varieties of so called "digimon".What disappointed me the most is after a while it gets so boring that id rather sit in a room for 2 hours straight with 2 year olds and have them poop everywhere(well actually not but its a figure of speech)!What Im impressed by it is that there is a huge variety of digimon but what upsets me if you cant even catch them like you can in pokemon!At least the pokemon series are actually good even the old school pokemon is fair or good!If I had to compare this to the pokemon series, pokemon would school digimon by quite a bit!This game I would strongly reccomend renting this first to see if you like it or not but or else, DONT GET IT!