Digimon world 3 Please read.

User Rating: 8 | Digimon World 3: Aratanaru Bouken no Tobira PS
I personally think that Digimon world 3 was excellent. The way it was put together was a good idea. The only problems i had with the game is that you were not able to actually pick what digimon you really want. Say i wanted Gabumon then garurumon, it would be almost impossible to get them. You would have to go through a whole bunch of other digivolutions just to get metalgarurumon. I believe they should give digimon world another chance. The reason why I said that is because from what i heard world 4 was somthing that should have stayed on the shelf.

I really hope that bandai sees this because making a digimon world 5 would be pretty good if it had the same basis as world 3. Please make a world 5 SOMEBODY! If world 5 were to be made the best thing they could put into the game is all of the seasons. You could choose between using armor,spirit or any other kind of digivolution, give the players a choice.