Not as bad as i thought it would be, but still not good.

User Rating: 6.8 | Die Hard: Vendetta GC
I got this game in a bundle with a Gamecube i bought. I read the reviews beforehand and it seemed like it was going to be a pretty poor game. Although it is bad in terms of the first person shooters out there, in it's own rights it is an o.k game in my perspective.
The game has some nice sound and voice work, and the missions have good designs. The game also has some clever additions like the stealth mode where you can grab gang members from behind and force his homies to kneel on the ground while you pick up there guns then whack them over the head.
The main problem with Die Hard id that it gets a bit repetitive. You can find yourself wondering if one level is the same as the other, exept in a different envoiroment. It is very short and dosn't compare with other FPS like Metroid Prime on the Gaecube.
I think this game is mediocre, it is not revolutionary, and dosn't take a big step forwards from other FPS's, but the sound is great, it has some nice little touches here and there, and overall is a pleasing experience for a short length of time.