The game that popularized the hack n' slash genre.

User Rating: 9.8 | Diablo MAC
In corporating action and adventure in RPGs is nothing new in gaming. The Baldur's Gate and AD&D series could attest to this, but none of them had the simplicity in structure of Diablo, Blizzard's foray into the hack n' slash genre. This genre has become wildly popular over the past few years with the Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance series, Champions of Norrath series, even series that didn't incorporate such techniques now have this type of game, like X-Men Legends or Fallou: Brotherhood of Steel. The basic story consists of an adventurer finding his way into this ltown that have been ravaged by an unspeakable evil that has taken ahold of the king and the archbishop and has claimed the lives of most the town other than a few key members that fortunately will aid you in your quest. This main quest is backed with several side quests that unlock new features or bring about treasures for your character, of which most are useful and challenging. The simplicity comes in the creating and leveling up of your character. Past games relied heavily on carefully determining your starting character with multiple attributes and special characters that would bog down the average gamer. Diablo comes with three predetermined characters, the warrior (a melee fighter), the rogue (a ranged fighter), and the sorceror (a magic user), each with their own obvious strengths and weaknesses. If you are familar with this genre, the basic action is to hit your enemy quickly and forcefully and accomplish this feat to as many enemies as possible. The more enemies you defeat, the higher your character will level up. You can choose from a wide variety of armors and weapons to use and there are plenty found in the dungeons to either use or sell for more gold to buy those more elusive items. The maps and levels are expansive, but can become a bit tedious. The enemies do get harder every level and there is usual a boss, if only a minor one, on every level. All of the levels are dark and mysterious which is what you'd expect from a game that eventually leads you to Hell. The detail of strewn about weapons and casualties from clashes between the living and dead add a nice touch to the general feel of each level. There is a multiplayer aspect in which a group of adventurers can journey together to fight the evils of Hell. This has garnered the game ultimate replay value as you can level up your character to unheard of levels and acquire the rarest of items. Overall, this game is groundbreaking in its delivery and style with gothic mysticism tied to all-out adventure, this game will keep both serious and new gamers enthralled.