Diablo is one of those games that have such great things about it ,it can actually be hard to explain how good it is.

User Rating: 10 | Diablo PC

This game by blizzard is by far one of the great action RPGs i have ever played, not only that one of the best games i have ever played.The graphics are great for its time and looking back you can give an applause to it of how detailed and dark the story is.

Story 5/5:
I'm going to try not to spoil anything about the story but it is very dark and actually enjoyable. The story is that Diablo the lord of terror has almost destroyed a whole thriving town and has been destroying it to pieces.There is many rooms in the Cathedral that go deeper and deeper until you finally reach Hell where you battle Diablo. The story is great and has a lot better story then some games some of you gamers have played.

Gameplay 5/5:
The gameplay is simple then again fascinating. You are in an isometric view and you have pretty much use your mouse for about everything.You have your HUD below the view of the game with buttons which allow you to access the inventory, your characters stats and so on.The thing with this game is you don't need a tutorial to how to play this game which is really awesome.In dungeons you fight monsters by clicking them and each click is one attack so it gives you a lot of control over your combat.You have 3 kinds of characters to choose from:A rogue,warrior, and a sorcerer.Each have unique attacks and story.Another great thing is randomly generated rooms in the dungeon so the replayibility is very high.All the dungeon's rooms are new each time you play so you are going to be addicted to this feature very fast.

Graphics 5/5:
In 1996 when this was released on the PC, it had stunning graphics, each object in the game was very well detailed.The effects on the menu and in the game is just a pleasure to see.Your eyes will be satisfied when you play this game. The graphics aren't of course graphics we have these days but consider the age of this game and how fun it is you won't even notice.

Audio 5/5:
In a game you always have some sort of sound or music.Well each sound effect in Diablo is like Mozart. The music is a nice acoustic and instrumental masterpiece.You will want to listen to it while reading the newspaper or having breakfast.The sound effects themselves are great too.Each "cling" and "clatter" sounds very realistic and drives you even more into the game.

Multiplayer 5/5:
Diablo is also very well praised for the multiplayer option by many gamers.It is very easy to use you just select what kind of server and it tries to find another player to join your adventure.Once playing with someone you can either team up side by side or kill one another for gold and items.The Multiplayer is very easy to use so your not buying manuals or searching on the internet for everything.

Overall 10/10:
This game is a must buy! Find it somewhere because it is one of the best role playing experiences you are going to have in your life.You will put so many hours into this and play this game it will be insane.The game is very creative, and so creative it even had imitators.This game is just pure fun and very enjoyable.
You have to play this game if you want to have a game you will enjoy for a long time.