An awesome One player action game it's straight up kickass. I mean I got this and couldn't get off. A wonderful gift.

User Rating: 9.3 | Devil May Cry 3 PS2
This game is amazing. See what you do is play Devil May Cry 3 and then play Devil May Cry 1 and Devil May Cry 2. Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening is the prequal to Devil May Cry . See I haven't done that yet but I'm planning to do it.Overall the graphics in this game pretty tight and the gameplay is also tight. It's an amazing game if you're into those kickass games or those shooting-action games. Hey ladies this would be the perfect gift to give your friends that are guys...If they like games like this...I suggest it. I got it for Christmas and couldn't get off...I don't know about how the PSP version is going to be but I'll check that out for you guys.