What is so terrible about this gama? Absolutely Nothing!

User Rating: 9 | Devil May Cry 2 PS2
If you asked anyone waht the best DMC is they will say 1. You will never get 2. 3 is the best but 2 is better than 1. It has 2 story lines with 2 playable characters and great replay value. There are challenging boss fights and new puzzles that require Devil Trigger to solve.The bosses are spectacular they are all differently fought. The final boss is very cool it is a mix of all 7 previous bosses. There are 4 guns and 3 main weapons. There are huge battles platfroming sequences and you even need to escape from a burning factory. This game is really good. The graphics are a bit sloppy but the gameplay runs great. You can upgrade each individual weapon by level as well as buy abilities and more max health and devil trigger. The game has great replay value and is justy a pleasure to play. The game is cheap fun and better than the first. With two characters to p[lay as thats double the games and double the fun.There is no reason not to buy. Don't beleive what everyone is saying about this game.