User Rating: 7.1 | Devil May Cry 2 PS2
I was sadly let down by this addition to a franchise that began so strongly. There were absolutely NO graphical improvements made when compared to the original, the character seems to have TOTALLY reverted to his pre-first-game state (those who have played DMC know what I mean) the euipment and special moves system really haven't changed.... It was like going to Disneyland with the promise of a new experience and riding the same rides as you did the visit before. No real significant changes. Although the standard moves list improved slightly with the addition of a wall-run ability and the gun play improved with an ariel inverted shooting maneuver, we are still left with the same devices as we began with in the first installment. Even the addition of a new playable character does not save this game. Now it IS still fun and still a decent game, but to go from AMAZING to ...decent... is truly the epiome of a fallen star. It still got a 7.1 from me, but I was being a little genreous. This is a renter, not a MUST buy. However, the silver lining here is DMC3 IS looking like the improvement DMC2 was suppose to be. I have hope for DMC3. I suppose we'll all know soon enough, eh?