There's alot of people who hate this game, but it actually has some good points to it. None that outshine the other DMCs

User Rating: 7.5 | Devil May Cry 2 PS2
This game does something we all wanted in sequels, for our main character to come out with all the powers he had from the game before. Unfortunatly, this means he is WAAYYYY overleveled for the cast of enemies to handle. The one fun thing I found about this is that it redoes the whole "swords beat guns in video gaming" we all have come to know. You can blast away until they get close and really have fun with your blade. Now just so you know, I have played every other DMC, so I know it sucks overall compared to them. If you can disregard the story and plung straight into the action, this will be your comfort game, a game you never lose but look completely badass playing. I've not beaten it yet, and I'm breaking my code of not review a game until I've played the crap out of it, but I'm pretty sure I can give a good review now. Here's how it goes:
You will plung headfirst into a crowd of enemies and win, unintentionally pulling off some kickass moves in the process.
You will get lost due to the awful camera and no real directions in your missions.
You will use guns more than swords and like it.
You will notice the voice actors weren't enthusiastic about their roles.
You will be plunged headlong into the story and ask "What's going on?" from time to time (Wiki can remedy this).
You will say that this is the worst in the series even if Dante looks his most badass in it (Do all game sagas with 4 games out now have an awful second game in between two great game and one perfect as its fourth [MGS]?)
If you want a game, pick this one up. If you want a story to go with it, get the set to balance yourself
If I find any more details to go along in my review, I'll update this.