This game definitely isn't the best in the series, and its a little disappointing, but it''s still a good game.

User Rating: 7.5 | Devil May Cry 2 PS2
Alright. I think that Gamespot underrated this game just because they were expecting a sequel that was even better than the first game. Unfortunately this is not this case for Devil May Cry 2. But DMC2 is not as bad as gamespot said it is. The gameplay is awesome, the environments are huge(although not really well detailed), and its not painfully hard like the first one. The few bad things i noticed were the environements werent as good as the first game, and it doesnt take palce in a creepy 2000 year old castle, like the other DMC games. This was a little disappointing. Also, Dante's attitude is much more mature and he's so quiet it's kinda boring. But other than that, there are some pretty cool combos and weapons. If you like any old hack and slash game, then you should give this a try and I thik you will like it. However, if you're expecting this to live up to the devil may cry name, then you should give this a pass.