The future of humankind is up to you Adam. Choose wisely ...

User Rating: 9.5 | Deus Ex: Human Revolution PC
This game really rocks. The story is great. lots of questions and lots of detective work. although the ending could be much more exciting.
it was one of the few FP-Action adventures i have really enjoyed and thats because it has a lot of RPG elements.
Weapons are great. I didnt get the chance to test all of them as there is lots of them. You can also upgrade your weapons to make it more interestings.
The augmented powers are a lot of fun. I wish it was possible to unlock them all, but still I really loved the powers. specially the one you wont get hurt when falling from above. :D
the musics are nice although they are a lot resembling MassEffect's musics.
Voice actings are great. Adam voice is wonderful. Cold but sympathetic.
Difficulty is just right if you choose your powers and weapons wisely.
Sidemissions are also fun and I wish they were more.
Overall, this I really recommend this game to all FP-Action Adventure lovers. Also RPG gamers should try it out. You may become a fan of FP AA's! :-p