
User Rating: 9 | Destiny XONE
Hello everyone! I'm here to give my detailed opinion on destiny... This game right out of the box put a smile on my face. Still in awe that I had just purchased something I had been waiting for years! Destiny is an revolutionary game... It's not borderlands, WOW, Halo, Call of Duty or Dark Souls... What Bungie did was the biggest move in the right direction for FPSers. Everyone stop trying to compare those games above to destiny... What Bungie did was take what they liked the most from all those very successful games... And brought them together! There are so many great things about destiny! But also some things I don't care for so much the story and script was really the only thing that disappointed me... Finishing the game in one day I sat and asked myself where is the content? How is this a 2 billion dollar game..? So I waited kept playing, continued to grind out my gear. Playing crucible, and strikes over and over hoping for some purple gear to reach my lvl 26... Finally Tuesday rolled around went to class in the morning got home around noon and jumped on. Saw the raid was open and with disappointment saw it wasn't matchmaking... So I did some digging found a lfg website for destiny btw props to that guy! any who got a group of six going and may I say.... Destiny is the most intense thrill ride of a game! I had so much fun the communication, the fights, the mechanics of the fight... Everything! The instance was gorgeous also! The raid is what made destiny for me a 9/10. Otherwise the game is a solid 7.5/10... This game has such a great future! All of us in the raid last night were so happy and pleased with how Bungie executed it! Props to you Bungie such an amazing job on a game that blew me away. I can't wait to play more from the series! Would I recommend this for everyone? Yes... There is a playing style here for everyone! Would everyone enjoy this as much as me? No... Destiny is a MMO aspect game I enjoy working for my items grinding is a part of the game does it such ummm yess! But it is a very rewarding game! Overall thoughts? Destiny is a must play for all fps players if you don't have the time to put in though... Destiny will become stale... I have over 60 hours in, and the raid made me fall in love all over again... My life has been EMT, Destiny, Eat and Sleep... Repeat... ********* Great job Bungie!!! Picky gamer pleased!