Tough release, but has been patched significantly. Worth playing as is.

User Rating: 8.5 | Demigod PC
Altough Demigod got early poor reviews, the developers have really worked hard at getting the game right. Connection issues are still problematic sometimes, but not nearly as much as it used to be. They have been doing a beta for a new server that removes the P2P connection process that should make mutiplayer matches seamless. Favor items are still sorta buggy and not constant but that doens't make or break a game. The classes are actually fairly balanced with one exception (lord erebus's bite for example). All in all though good teamwork makes any game a winner despite any class imbalance issues or favor items. The different gameplay modes offer a variety of playstyles. For example, in Domination you have to capture the flag. Some may try to pound out unit upgrades, others purchase capture locks and load up on HP to scare opponents away from flags. There's no one way to play a round. Stardock has been active in the game and on the forums, implementing many updates and just plain hanging out with the folk that play. I think it's really neat that developers take time out of their day/night to actually speak directly with their community and answer questions. They even put out video updates with what they are currently working on.

I think this game is worth the purchase, because there is nothing else coming out until November that will be worth buying. Until then, this will provide a good timesink.