Demigod is a simple concept that is well executed. With some time the game could be amazing.

User Rating: 9 | Demigod PC
---------- Graphics ----------
The graphics for Demigod are beautiful. There is good detail to the maps, demigods, abilities and spells.

The animation which I feel is just as important as good looking graphics is just as impressive. The lumbering giant looks and moves like a lumbering giant. The little creep dudes being tossed around by huge blows from a demigod or being blown away from a blast.

Defiantly no downside to the graphics.

---------- Gameplay ----------
Here is the most important part of the game how it actually plays. I am sure everyone is aware that it is similar to DotA. I will skip the comparisons.

I found Demigod pretty easy to pick up and learn. It would have been nice if there was a tutorial but if I had to suffer from another click to move long drawn out tutorial that would have been just as bad. After playing a couple of skirmishes I had figured out what was going on. Most of the time I spent early learning was what skills I wanted to take for my demigod.

There is some issues with responsiveness of the demigod and some other small issues that need to be tweaked with the gameplay (favor items, balancing, etc...) but overall it is a solid concept that is well delivered.

---------- Multiplayer ----------
Ok so I know that there was/are some issues with their servers and matching. I won't really comment on those problems as most of my experience has been lan play with friends.

Personally I am a kind of person that can't stand the rampant idiocy that is apparent in multiplayer gaming now. I generally stray from any matching service that has me playing with random people I don't know. There is obviously people that love to play with random others and from what I can tell they have been actively trying to fix the problems with the network issues.

For the multiplayer experience I have had the game has been loads of fun to beat up on friends. Most of the matches are short enough where they don't feel like they drag out forever. There does seem to be a pretty good feeling of who is going to win pretty quick however, and once you get behind it isn't easy at all to mount a comeback. (not that it should be)

---------- Overall Experience ----------
I think the game is underrated by the official reviews. Maybe from the problems with multiplayer or the fact that the game has a rather simple concept and folks were expecting more. If GPG and stardock continue to work on improving this title it could turn out to be one of the great games this year and could be something that is played for a long time. Personally I would like to see them give the community some tools for customization/mod building, however it may not be possible with their specific engine the way things are designed.