Demigod should spend more time in the developing studio.

User Rating: 5 | Demigod PC
Demigod has tremendous potential.Great story,and good graphics. But there is one big mistake the devs made.They should have spend more time on the single-player part.
The game actually has no single-player champagne.There is only a great multiplayer and a single-player tournament witch is basically a few skirmishes together.
Another proof of my theory is that there is no tutorial,so you have to figure it out yourself how to play this game.That said,the game is not that difficult.The controls are vary easy and they are stated in the options menu.They should made the champagne because there is a lot of potential in the futuristic game witch stages a battle of semi-gods trying to become gods.
The game play is simple.You pick either a general or an assassin.Generals have aid from their minions but assassins are stronger.And you battle it out,gaining levels and money witch you spend in upgrading your character.The graphics are above average and that's all they can ever be.
The multiplayer,on the other hand is great.Greatly done p v p battles.