I think Gamespot really understated this games amazing potential and already addictive gameplay.

User Rating: 9.5 | Demigod PC
I think Gamespot really understated this games amazing potential and already addictive gameplay. The connection issue part SHOULD BE REMOVED as the reason for the problem: servers set up for 45000 players... 18000 players were genuine users and a 100000 players online were flipping pirated games!!! Major connection issues > blame piracy... I think the game is amazing... it is the first game I have played in a very long time (like StarCraft) that is REALLY addictive and REALLY fun and REALLY competitive... There is massive potential for this game to grow... add more characters, skills, maps, items, upgrades, even harder AI players and you have got one of the most entertaining games of all time (if you take out all blizzard games from the picture ). We know the game creators mean business when they have already patched the game TWICE... All the kinks and quirks will be out and I'll be a really happy camper. I could sit there all day playing tournament mode (which is basically the campaign) with different demigods and different upgrade orders... HINT to other players: Oak can easily kill other demigods quickly if you focus on penitence and at the very beginning (wait til u have the cash) and get the highest level priests. Since you have the priests to heal you you can focus on our other abilities and disregard health upgrades until last.