Don't be fooled, this game has much more depth than given credit for. The gameplay is incredibly addictive.

User Rating: 9 | Demigod PC
Look, don't let the 6.5 rating fool you, this game is the most addictive game I've played for years.

So what's good about this game?
Simply, the addictive gameplay. You can play this game forever and still feel like you need to get better at it. This isnt your simple RPG game where once you've played it, it's done and dusted. The fact that you play a new round every time you play may seem strange, but it really does add more depth than you'd think. It becomes less about doing all these quests and finding out what happens next, and more about getting better at the game so you can beat your friends.

I hear there are connectivity problems over the internet, but I'm in a boarding house and the LAN matches played with this game are great fun. So far the 8 maps and 8 demigods (heroes) are enough to satisfy, but with the promised fixes and added content (there is news that they are already working on extra maps), this game has the ability to become a lot more interesting.

I'd keep your eye out for this game because it's going to get much better.