Demigod is a game that had lots of potential that it just didn't live up to - because it is half-finished...

User Rating: 1 | Demigod PC

What storyline - there is none and there is no campaign. It was SUPPOSED to be about a Demigod fighting to become a god - but without a storyline and or campaign mode this became woefully lost. the game feels amateurism and unfinished at best. Either that or lets get ready for another round of DLC to flesh out the unfinished elements - at a fee of course...


The gameplay itself is quite easy, but the problem is that (in the offline mode) you are just thrown into battle with no story and no instructions whatsoever. It's hard to believe that these things were just left out on purpose. Rather I think the developer simply rushed it out of the door o meet a deadline. You have no idea what you are doing - you are just "there" fighting some enemies for some reason. There is no help with commands or anything.

In offline mode, because of the lack of story, the game gets pretty stale real quick. Because you have no idea what is going on, the game turns into a wait and see experience. The expectation that tings will get better never change. Just monotonous battles with no explanation.

I got the game to play the singleplayer game, because in all of my following as it was about to come out, there was no indication that it was going to lean so heavy on multi-player. It looked like it was going to have this great storyline about you playing as this massive Demigod trying to become a god by having this brutal adventure - boy did that hypw train end up in the wrong station...


The visuals are okay - but for the fact that they aren't "godly". that is to say that at no time did my Demigod feel massive. Since your Demigod is fighting other Demigods and minions of fantasy creatures who are all just as big, and the camera focus has to be massaged to a ground plane view, your character does not tower over the others. Because the most comfortable view is bird's eye or top down, you mostly see what looks like an ant-farm and there is no feeling of gigantism as it should be in this game. Another symptom of not being a proper singleplayer game, as was hyped up for almost a year before release.




Obviously another multiplayer / online ATM disguised as a game. This game is designed to sell DLC, even so shameless that it completely ignored making a full game - I guess that campaign and story modes will be offered up for payment. It has no value for the singleplayer, does not live up to the hype it created, and does not compete with what's already out there. There are better things to invest your money into - like tiddly-winks. Pass on this - you've been warned...