An equvalent to battlefield 2 for Half the price!

User Rating: 9 | Delta Force: Xtreme PC
Singleplayer Delta Force Xtreme is better than all games the delta force series and a bit more fun the joint operations. DFX has very bad AI the single player campaign is not something i would buy the game for although it has 20 missions all of witch the same thing go here and kill this protect this destroy this and get to the extraction point makes the single player and the AI are just plain stupid. Multiplayer Now the multiplayer in DFX is just fun, fun and more fun. It has 3 main parts of the game they are combat,sniper, and cooperative. coop is when you beat AI with a team of your buddies sniper is the same as combat but it enables you to have snipers, and combat is machinegun, smg, assault rifles only. In sniper and combat there are 5 types of game types tdm, tkoth, ctf, koth and dm. dm is a hugh free for all, koth is a free for all but you stand at a point for as long as possible tkoth is the same but with 2 teams, tdm teams fighting each other and ctf capture the flag. Weapons DFX is not very good for weapons it has an m4 assault rifle, m16 assault rifle, mp5 smg and M249 SAW machine gun and thats it in combat mode and you can get 2 snipers the m82 and another one. it gives you a sidearm of the mk-23 and a accesory item you have a choice between claymores, satchel charge (C4) and my favorite the AT4 rocket launcher. vehicles DFX also has a few vehicles like a buggy with a mounted machinegun a motorbike and helicopters like the minigun helicopter and the passenger helicopter gameplay The game play is great in dfx the is teamwork involved and the action is just superb! rating: 9/10 graphics the graphics are not the best for 2005's standards and at times it will look like a 2003 game unless you have the quality on max it adds cool effects like helicopter exhaust and other things rating: 8/10 sound the sounds are quite good the explosions sound quite real and the sounds of the bullets flying past and hitting the dirt sound belivable. rating: 9/10 value DFX is much better value compared to bf2 because its only 20$ and bf2 is 50$ and bf2 just has fancy visuals and more guns the gameplay is the same only minor diference price rating: 10/10 reviews tilt i like it i think its fun and a cheap game and a good buy if you don't have bf2 this is a good alternative. rating: 9/10 My score: 9.0