Superb multi-player, dont even bother with the AI

User Rating: 7.8 | DEFCON: Everybody Dies PC
To begin with, when the demo landed on my lap, i thought 'oh noes, heres another one of those crazy cheap game builds that will break every 5 minuites' However, i was pleaently surprised when the engine was very solid, albeit, basic. the idea of Defcon is to obliterate your opponent with Nukes, from carriers, subs, airfilds and your own ground based silos. against the AI, you dont have a hope. they have the massive advantage of being able to calculate strike times, and i have never beaten them. not once. on easy. so, dont play on your own. Playing with freinds on the other hand, is a totally different story. since you all have the same handycaps, you can play on a level playing field, and get really stuck in. It's especially satifying to hear towards the end of the game, "ok, who has nukes left" then you answer with a full scale barrage across an entire contenant while they scream like their populus into oblivion.