Simple yet challenging gameplay focusing completely on strategy.

User Rating: 9.2 | DEFCON: Everybody Dies PC
Defcon is an RTS with a unique twist. Unlike traditional RTS games, Defcon requires no laborers, resources, or population limits. At the start of each game, allowing up to 6 players playing on teams or individually, each player is given a set amount of radars, silos, airports, and naval fleets. There is a clock which countsdown from Defcon 5 to 1. With each stage in defcon, a new level of assault is allowed. Defcon 5 is peaceful, 4 allowing view of the enemy within range, 3 non-nuclear combat, 2 being much like defcon 3, and finally 1 allowing for all out nuclear warfare. The gameplay is solid with no noticeable glitches and offers a variety of users to enjoy this game. The graphics, although simple, are very polished and look great even if they are 2D. The sound is on par with the graphics, simple but polished. The game offers a very in-depth and intuitive tutorial to get you into the action quickly and help you learn the controls. The downside to this game, like most RTS, is time. If you play online in a room using real-time, games can last as long as 2 hours or more. Luckily Introversion thought of this problem and added a nice speed adjustment interface at the top of every player's screen. If all players request the same time acceleration the game will comply. Game speeds include real-time, 5x, 10x, and 20x. Overall this game is very solid with a great price tag of $15. I would like to see some more variety, in the content department, released in a future patch. There are several game modes and options to help mix up gameplay but the map is always earth and it tends to become repetitive after several hours of continuous play.