Intense, chiling, beautifully crafted and let's us nuke Commies. EVERYBODY DIES

User Rating: 9 | DEFCON: Everybody Dies PC
Global Thermonuclear War, we all know that this word is connected to the 1983 film WarGames, put the word in Wkipedia and WarGames is listed. And now British devolper Introversion Software, the self-proclaimed "last of the bedroom progammers", is recreating the bigboard of WarGames and the scare of a global nuclear war.

The game is most probably set in the Cold War shown by the USSR and a split Germany. When starting a game you first have to choose a territories, there are six to choose: North America, South America, Africa, Europe, the USSR and Asia. Then choose a colour, if you choose a colour that is the same of another player then you are in an alliance with that player.

When you start the screen is a simple lit-up world map, you start by placing the three buildings: radars, airbases and missile silos, then place your fleet made up of submarines, battleships and carriers. The game uses a DEFCON system similar to the real US Military DEFCON system, first is DEFCON 5: no hostilites. Can move naval units within international waters. DEFCON 4: Radar will show enemies
DEFCON 3: Can no longer place units. Can engage in naval and air combat
DEFCON 2: Continued and more aggressive hostlites.
And the one we all look forward to, DEFCON 1: Nuclear attacks allowed. Launch nukes from missile silos, from bombers and submarines. Points are gained through megadeaths, 2 points for a megadeath you cause, lose 1 point for megadaeths against you, this is for default mode. Genocide mode is one point for each megadeaths and Survivor mode is 1 point for per million survivor.

There are also other modes of play; In Diplomacy mode all players start as members of a single alliance, and attempt to stay on top as the alliance disintegrates. Score is determined not by enemy population killed, but by which territory has the highest percentage of survivors at the end of the game.
In Office mode the game runs in real time and cannot be sped up. The game can be quickly forced to the background making the computer available for another use, or simply to make it appear the gamer is actually working. While the game continues to run in the background, a system tray icon will notify the gamer of certain events as they occur. The office mode hotkey, sometimes referred to as the boss key, is activated by striking the escape key twice in rapid succession. A game in office mode lasts no more than six hours. In fact, the boss key is available in all game modes, but it is designed for this mode in particular.

But nothing is crafted perfect and DEFCON does have its bad side, one is the lack of a scoreboard to show your wins, loses and your rank wich usually exists in a multiplayer game which DEFCON allows and another is the repeated gameplay, nothing is new in the next game.

In total DEFCON is a stroke of genius which makes us paranoid and live the possibility of causing the Cold War to be more hotter