The game is fun and hilarious even if it's a short game.

User Rating: 8.5 | DeathSpank PS3
Want some worthwhile RPG to play? The name Deathspank isn't as widely being the talk of the town or something that is globally a popular household product, but this game will really entertain you with all the laughable jokes, the storyline, and even the game title itself. So here's how I will breakdown my score for this game:

Graphics (9/10)
* Consider this is not the Final Fantasy 13 quality, but the blend of it's character while traveling on different areas of the map is astonishing. The whole environment is color blended friendly in your eyes and not too much flash substance.

Music (7.5/10)
* The music background is okay, repetitive, and not too many variety of songs to listen.

Sound Effect (9)
* The sound effects is awesome especially when you battle, drinking potions, and money collecting (It feels like you won a jackpot on a slot machine in Las Vegas...*kaching* *kaching*).

Battle Strategy (8.5/10)
* Although this game isn't as complex as any other RPG games, fighting monsters (even in mobs) is not that hard as even the controls itself. You can choose whichever combo of weapons, orbs, and elemental arrows you prefer. Even with all the quests combined on this game, it lacks a challenge for players to be hungry and be satisfied for playing this game from start to finish. Blocking a hit from monster is already given too. Traveling from one section of the map is convenient too as you keep activating a house teleporter. Another thing that this game made it very easy is having an assisted 2nd player to join you (a wizard), in which is capable to make your battle monsters and heals your character easy without using your supplies at all.

* With an overwhelmed abundant on weapons, enhance potions, food supply, and money collecting (from quests, opening barrels or treasure chests, monster drops, or grinding items to be disposed on your inventory), Deathspank can easily be finished from start to finish. The humor jokes on every NPC you talk does compensate for its good rating. As while you wait for other good RPG's coming, this game will entertain you for the time being. So I give it a 8.5/10.