A game that screams for you to look past it's shortcomings, and rewards you well for doing so.

User Rating: 9 | Red Seeds Profile X360
Deadly Premonition is almost a paradox in the gaming world - an unpolished, deeply flawed and downright awkward game with poor controls and early Playstation 2-era graphics, and at the same time, one of the most compelling games of it's time. This is one of those rare titles that proves the value of pure storytelling over graphical polish. The controls stay annoying throughout, but once you hit the meat of the story, it doesn't matter anymore. You're sucked in.

Also, kudos to the soundtrack, which is widely varied and unusual. It fluctuates between jazzy secret agent themes, folk music, and Silent-Hill type ambience. Most of the tunes can be hummed or whistled to - they're very catchy and memorable.

The bottom line - don't miss this gem, because a game like this only comes along once in a blue moon, if that.