It's an excellent game, but it can be disappointing at times and some things just don't make sense

User Rating: 7.5 | Deadliest Warrior: The Game X360
Let me get this out of the way first: I am a big fan of the television show "The Deadliest Warrior." I got into it early in season two, but have seen all of the episodes to date. I believe that this show is a relatively good video game representation of the show, all things considered. In addition, I've traditionally stayed away from the fighting genre, as I generally don't believe in games where random button mashing can win a round. That said, Deadliest Warrior: The Game is a video game with a solid concept but falls a bit short gameplay-wise.

My first complaint is the fact that it is so easy to run away from your opponents, even without meaning to. Many a time have I found myself going against an enemy, and right when I'm about to land the finishing blow, I'll tilt the stick a little to the side and my character will start dashing off, only to get at least one of his soft, squishy areas punctured by whatever sharp object my enemy happens to be holding. This could be saved using the classic fighting game mechanic of having the characters walk essentially "on rails," or always in line with each other.

Also, I am constantly annoyed by the parrying, dodging, and guarding. I may not be understanding a game mechanic when I say this, but it seems that, even though I constantly hold down the trigger to guard, my character will drop his guard at the worst time, especially right before an enemy lands a finishing blow. Also, parrying makes such a quick animation, it seems almost impossible to successfully parry more than half of the time. Dodging is also a big problem. I feel like it's almost impossible to dodge with the analog stick, because it has to be done with such a quick movement. I try to dodge with the d-pad, but you can also move with the d-pad, so it's fickle that way, too. This could be helped in a patch in the future to make it so the d-pad is only used for dodging.

Overall, this is still an excellent game for its' price, and if you are a fan of the show or just have $10 that you'd like to sink into a good few hours of fun gameplay, there's no reason not to get this game. Also, you can sure expect more playable characters in the future, hopefully as free DLC.