do they want me to commit suicide????

User Rating: 1.3 | Dead to Rights: Reckoning PSP
Namco should go back to the drawing board if they EVER want to make a number three. While the mini-games from the first game are now gone(thank god)everything else suffers. This has got to be the most frustrating game i've ever played. The same problem of shooting the closest enemy is still present.You'll want to shoot the guy 2 feet from you,but will target the guy across the room instead.Also,the damage that enemies do to you is way too cheap. I died countless times after being shot 3 or 4 times.I like my games challenging,not an excercise in frustration.

Are you angry?
If so, you may want to check out DTR2. It lets you take out quite a bit of frustration in the game

- Do you play games to calm yourself?
If so, you will probably calm yourself because you take out frustration because the game is just so annoying and the AI is just so hurts.

- Do you like basic games? And don't care about online play and all those cool littles modes?
[i] If so, Dead to Rights 2 is probably your game.