Fun for short bursts, but no real substance.

User Rating: 6.5 | Dead to Rights: Reckoning PSP
Dead to Rights is quite similar to its console counterparts. Shallow story, weak multiplayer, and killer on your thumbs.

The game is easy enough: Right trigger to lock, X to fire, circle to disarm, square for doggy fun, triangle for dives, left trigger to prone, and d pad to switch weapons. After you get a good rountine of run, gun, dog attack, crouch, repeat; then you're set. That's all there is to it.

Besides the heavily reused enemy skins, the graphics of DtR are pretty good, with good character detail and movement. The disarm moves are brutal. Twisting around their arm then using it to shoot themselves in the face. Ouch.

The sound wasn't bad, a repeating and kind of overused metal soundtrack which I chose to silence and fill in with Korn. The guns sound authentic enough, and the gruesome bone crackings and dog attacks make you wince.

The game is killer on your thumbs, so if you consider buying this game, pick up some analog stick extentions and a grip to you can have a better handle of the system.

Rent it first. If it appeals, then by all means buy it.