If you're looking for a complex, innovative game experience, look elsewhere, if you're looking for blood and violence...

User Rating: 7.3 | Dead to Rights: Reckoning PSP
I bought this game before seeing the GameSpot review. I have to say though, it isn't that bad. As far as I know, it's the only PSP game to date where you can put someone in a headlock, and use their own gun to blow their brains all over a wall. It's not complex or new, but if you want a kill-everything-that-moves game you can play on the go, consider this. GAMEPLAY---- Nothing new here. The basic, run and gun style action buffs have come to love. The controls I found were generally good, but clumsy at times. GRAPHICS----- Excellent. They really show what the PSP is capable of. The blood looks realistic, and the character models are great. Sound----------- The worst part of the game. A pistol, shotgun, and submachine gun should not sound the same. No voiceovers either. Granted, this is a portable game. Value------------ Extremely short game, however, the multiplayer is great. And, this is a game that is hard to get sick of if you're a fan of the genre. Overall, this is a fun game that people looking for run and gun violence should consider. Might want to consider a rental first though.