Dead rising promises to be an entertaining zombie survival game, What it delivers is a repetitive AI nightmare.

User Rating: 5.5 | Dead Rising X360
Lets face it the horror genre has been hammered to bits with overly-gory, all-shock value stories and games. Dead Rising promised to be a more humorous take on the zombie franchise.

Unfortunately, between the bits of humor and the opportunity to take on zombies with panache, there are far too few opportunities to save your game, the infinitey (and immediately) respawning zombies never give you a moments repose to gather equipment, and as always in games where its your job to rescue people, the AI just ruins the enjoyment factor. Everyone you try to save is guaranteed to run to the middle of the biggest zombie mob in the area and completely ignore your alleged "commands"

Finally the control schema just plain sucks. while they did a great job of making it feel like you are trying to aim your pistol with a camera in one hand and three fingers missing off the other, I think a real photojournalilst would invest in a sling, and use his good hand to shoot with.

If you enjoy frustrating encounters with AI that make monkeys look like rocket scientists and repetitively reliving the same encounters because the savepoints are in the bathrooms and this entire mall has only two, then partake of dead rising, I myself, wish they at least had cheat codes so I could play the thing through without wanting to break the game CD in half!