Dead Rising Chop Till You Drop = A Pretty Good Wii Game

User Rating: 8 | Dead Rising: Zombie no Ikenie WII
Dead Rising was originally on the Xbox 360 when it first came out, it was named one of the best games known to date. When I heard that it was coming out for the Wii, I was a little bit shocked. I was glad though that they were doing this for I didn't have an Xbox 360. I was thinking about getting an Xbox 360 for this game and a few others out there. Anyways, I got this for my birthday and I popped it in first thing. this was shortly after this came out (a week) and i saw a few reveiws and thought that I wasn't going to enjoy this. I think that I agreed with everyone that this was a sucky game COMPARED to the Xbox version. I think that this is an alright Wii game though. Anyway I guess that what I am trying to say is that if you have an Xbox 360, get the original, but if you only have a wii, then you would have to settle with this okay but not perfect zombie game on the Wii.