Dead Risisng: Chop Till You Drop One More Must Have Game - Wii

User Rating: 9.5 | Dead Rising: Zombie no Ikenie WII
The Good - Zombie Killing Sprees - Beat, Stab, Slash, Shoot, Chop, Punch, anything on Zombies - Good Story Line - Heaps of Weapons around - Fun Free Roam - Save other Survivors - Choose What Your Guy Looks Like - Use Wii Remote to Aim for Guns - A lot of Weapon Choices

The Bad - Short Story Line - In a lot of Places not many Zombies - Too much Ammo for guns - Some Rescues for Surivivors are Boring - Not much Free Roam

Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop is about a photo journalist named Frank West going out to a small town for a scoop, when he arrives there is no one to be seen. As he enters the Mall he see's other people and a giant baraked. A man tells him to go find objects for the baraked because of "Zombies". Frank finds an old man who is talking about something but Frank is confused. Then an old lady see's her dog outside with the Zombies and goes to get her letting all the Zombies in the Mall. A man tells him to get up the stairs Frank shoots and bashes the Zombies to get to the stairs. Frank goes into a room with other suriviors and a man seals the door behind them so zombies can't get in. Frank's helicopter doesn't come till another 3 days, Now Frank must save any other survivors and find out what happend, how did the this Zombie infection happen.

Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop is a brillint game letting you Beat, Stab, Slash, Shoot, Chop, Punch, anything on Zombies. Find contents in the Mall and use it to your advantage by killing Zombies with it from bowling balls to guitars to metal poles to knifes to umbrellies to skateboards to bikes to chain saws anything you can use. It has a great story line but the length of it is short (I Finished with in 3 Days) but this game is replayable for fun. You get a bit too much ammo for the guns making it hard too run out of ammo I didn't like that much because I like the idea of no resourses left but to pick a weapon up (such as a bass ball bat) and beat your way through the Zombies.

I had heaps of fun playing this game it is a must have for any Wii owner. It gets bad feed back because it is compared to the 360 and PS3 version but just rate it on it's own. (I rented this game and I am now determened to buy it). And if you just want to kill Zombies there is a tunnel where there are Zombies everywhere.