If there was a Zombie Outbreak, it's not all doom and gloom. This gives you an idea what to do in a situation.

User Rating: 8 | Dead Rising 2 PS3
There are zombies everywhere whenever you've been watching zombie movies or playing survival horror games. Capcom's sequel Dead Rising makes it way to the PS3 and PC for the first time plus the first Dead Rising game was only released for the 360 back in 2006.

Five years after the events of Dead Rising, former motocross champion Chuck Greene is in the fictional casino town of Fortune City, Nevada, to take part in Terror Is Reality, a controversial sports entertainment game show where contestants kill zombies. Chuck needs the prize money to buy Zombrex (a daily medication that suppresses the zombification process) for his daughter Katey, who was bitten by her zombified mother during a previous outbreak. Chuck gets framed for causing a zombie outbreak after the game show and try's and find a way to prove that he is innocent.

Gameplay: Most zombie games are all horror and making you jump when something scary pops up, movies like Zombieland and Shaun of the Dead gives you an idea on how to kill zombies without using the main weapons all the time like guns and baseball bats. Your stuck in a large shopping mall and busy casinos there will zombies everywhere you go, apart from that you can use just about almost anything from a pair of scissors or a slot machine against zombies. It actually runs like an RPG if you think about it whenever you kill a zombie and whatever weapon you use, you gain Exp which you can level up your health and unlocking new combos and weapon combinations.

Apart from killing zombies there will be times you'll need to find some Zombrex which where you'll need to find in order to kept Katey from not becoming one of them. There are survivors through various parts of Fortune City who need be rescued and you can return to the Safe house where they will be safe or you can make them help you find other survivors and taking down bosses. Certain part of Dead Rising 2 you'll be facing psycho's who go totally insane and just want all of the attention for themself.

Graphics and Sound: I've never played the first Dead Rising but if you have you'll notice that the graphics have completely changed since the last time you've played it whenever it was back from 2006 or from now. With this being set in Las Vegas it's almost perfect to the real version of Vegas, and of course wondering through the shopping mall departments just like on Dawn of the Dead.

There was a few problems which I found quite annoying and one of them was that there is a lot of long loading times, which pop up every time you enter an area or during before or after a cutscene. During gameplay and if there are lots of zombies in one area it can be annoying for the game to slow down quite a bit and can't seem to know where your heading or can't see what's ahead.

The voice acting is really well done from its main characters and plus hearing random voices throughout the game shouting help or hey, and of course hearing the sounds and mourns of zombies. There's not much to say about the soundtrack but there's some awesome rock/metal music during psycho boss fights which are great to listen to while fighting bosses.

Overall: I did find the save system a little fiddle either before or after finishing a mission you have to head to a restroom to save. But half the time you end up forgetting due to how much fun you are having killing zombies, if you are low on money to buy weapons or Zombrex you can play Terror is Reality. Which is you can multiplayer online with other players and earn some money which you can use in the main campaign.

Completing most of the missions and side quests can take you around 20 hours or least but it depends on how much killing you want to do in Dead Rising 2. If there ever was a zombie outbreak and most likely have read The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks, Dead Rising gives you an idea on what weapons are useful when it comes to killing.