A Fun, Co-Op Survival Horror Arcade Title That Can Draw You In For Hours of Your Time

User Rating: 8 | Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition PS4

Dead Nation as a whole passed me sadly, as I didn't own a PS3 when it was released but since buying a PS4 I got Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition for free as a member of PlayStation Plus. So I thought why not, it's free and it's screenshots looked similar to Resogun as a pick-up Arcade shooter which I also enjoyed quite a lot. Now once I started up the game, with it's online Campaign mode I noticed it's short narrative used before the start of each mission, it's quick cut scenes giving us a sense of what's going on and who you play as being one of two survivors who have found they are immune to the Zombie virus, but can still die from being ripped apart by the undead.

Dead Nation takes an arcade approach to it's gameplay, from it's top-down camera angle as you traverse streets, and city blocks to get to a checkpoint where a store is situated, and you can spend the gold and cash you earn from bloodshed, and buy or upgrade your weapons. But you can run out of ammunition in battle, and to fight off stronger enemies or large hordes you can shoot cars, and distract zombies by it's alarm, and blow it up killing them in one go.

It's very fast paced, as you fight your way to checkpoints, moving along to your main objective such as gaining access to a office building, so you can use a radio on the roof. But these main objectives aren't really that important, as you only have to reach the final checkpoint of the map to complete them. You work as a team of two, a pair as one usually interacts with a device to extend a bridge, or call an elevator and the other watches their back.

You soon get used to the idea of gaining a multiplier, as you fight zombies and do so to gain double, or even triple your cash to buy even more upgrades and weapons. You intentionally run in, to destroy as many zombies as you can to gain cash. To gain more cash you can quickly search vehicles, and boxes scattered around the levels, and destroy vending machines to get health packs.

Graphically I assume the game has had an overhaul as textures, and environments are smooth and look like next-gen visuals.

The Good:

- Fast paced arcade combat, from a very classical top-down camera angle. Using the analog sticks of the PS4 controller you can highlight your enemies with a torch, and blast them with an assortment of weapons.

- Gaining cash, can be used to upgrade your weapons, kit and equipment in so many different ways that you are constantly upgrading your weapons.

- Graphically, and visually the game screams of an overhaul for next-gen gaming.

- Co-Op with another player affords massive battles, and strategic opportunities in comparison to simply playing alone.

The Bad:

- Not much of a narrative, yet I do not truly expect one with an arcade title yet with short cut scenes I would have expected them to go further considering they had already started some form of narrative and storytelling.

Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition for PS4 owners is a must-have, as you'll be surprised at how many hours you can splurge into the game, without noticing just as Resogun had done when the console was released last year. For PlayStation Plus members it's free which is enough of a reason to just get it for free, but I would still recommend purchasing it for non-Plus members as you'll be surprised at how addictive, and enjoyable it can be. Another indie-arcade title that gives PS4 owners hours of gameplay, and addictive scoreboards.