Does NOT live up to the hype at all

User Rating: 3 | DC Universe Online PC
The trailer was infinitely better than the actual game; terrible customization & severely lacking in quality & substance. Having to pay for the online service itself is an absolute joke and a slap in the face to the customer. Graphics were also lack luster, definitely not worthy of the PS3.

As ballsy as it was having all the heroes and villains die off in the game, the whole time travel thing has been played out too much and the story brings nothing new and exciting to the table.

As i mentioned earlier, having to pay not only for the game, but it's online component too is just ridiculous. There is also an infinite number of better games out there to choose from so i would recommend against this atrocity (unless of course you have alot of money and free time on your hands, then by all means, play it)