Might have been better served making this a single player action game with multiplayer maps like an fps has.

User Rating: 5 | DC Universe Online PC
DCUO is a strange game in that it looks, plays, and feels great.....just something is lacking. Not sure what it is but the game certainly does not have me thinking about it at work as if I can't wait to get back home to play it.

First off, the good......

As I said it looks and feels great. All of the super movement skills feel awesome, I love flying. Graphics are perfect for the game, and gameplay feels right, you feel like a superhero most of the time.

The bad....

Gets boring fast unless you are on a pvp server. Problem is on a pvp server you can't complete a quest without being attacked by anyone from 10 levels below you to 10 levels above you. The quests are cool at first but then you see the same quests over and over just with different areas, names, and graphics.

The interface is terrible, and unless you do some studying on the forums with someplayer guides you really have no clue what you are doing. No doubt the first character you create and get to a decent level will be gimped unless you got lucky.

The alert system is cool for some instant action but is the same scenarios over and over so gets boring as well.


It was fun for a few weeks, I would not tell people to stay away from the game but I would tell you don't expect it to keep your attention for long. It is impressive and fun at first but after a while you find yourself having more fun creating new heroes than you do playing them. Like I said, could have made a pretty fun action game with this engine and gameplay, I think as an mmo it is complex yet shallow at the same time.

I canceled before first month was up..