Not just another 'version' of this title. This release is in only one word ambitious, with the adjective 'very'.

User Rating: 9 | Dawn of Discovery PC
I was excited to see the new release of the elder Anno game. I prefer calling this way since the first experience (a decade ago) was the German version, which had a big title "Anno 1602 von Max Design", or something like this.
In compare to all the other Anno games, this new one is the king, has all the things that lets say the previous two missed. Also, as a friend of mine said some days ago, the new one looks just like an improvement, a super-patched version of Anno 1701; this could be true but we all know that is not just like this. I've played for more then four weeks (each night) and the conclusion is: "This game is cool". It has new things like buildings from other civilizations, a somehow well made awarding system for doing tasks, that makes the game to be in front of all of the others from the serie and other city building games.