Darksiders was a fun game that had great slicing and dicing scenes like God of War.

User Rating: 8.5 | Darksiders X360
The game focuses on a Horseman named War who was frammed for starting the apocolypse a little early. The game made War a complete badass who could use many different types of moves to hack any of his oponents. The game had some challenging parts when you would have to fight multiple hard enemies and not die, but there were not many of those. I thought this game was fun, but it had hardly any originality. It takes many of its ideas from Zelda and God of War. Even when it copied ideas from those two games it never gave the challenge those games gave or the fun of playing them. Since it copied so many ideas from others it had really no originality and just was a puzzle slicing and dicing game. Even though it did copy many ideas i did like the mix of solving puzzles and cutting off your enemies head. That is just fun and we all know that. The bosses in Darksiders were not hard at all. I had a harder times surviving some of the little demons then the bosses. I did like some of their ideas on how to beat the boss. For instance when you had to ride Ruin in order to kill the big worm. That was fun for me and i replayed that part of the game many times. Finally I thought the game should have had a couple more extras in it. I mean the two main extra things you can do in the game is build the armor and get all the artifacts and thats it. I thought they should have expaned more on the weapons and the things you could attach on them and maby put in a couple of extra mini games instead of just hacking and dicing the whole time. They did this once when you used the angle's bird and killed all those deamons and that was really fun but that was basically it. Well thanks for reading my review and by the way the other one posted by me on this game was a mistake so sorry about that.