ok / near cool - not all i was expecting it to be.

User Rating: 5.5 | Dark Reign 2 PC
i was promised alot more then a actually got with DR2.

less content then in DR1 but way better graphics.... having said that graphics dont make a great games, originality does.

one thing i will say is this game is challenging and in some cases near on impossible - but you know what they say if at first you dont succeed......... you suck.., lol jokes, you know how it goes.

same ole same ole - build and kill, or rather, build as fast as you freakin can if you want to survive because the AI in this game will send wave after wave of attacks given half the chance - ruthless.

might wanna shapen up on ur muti-tasking skills for this one fellas,
and if you don't know how to multi-task, ask the nearest female to teach you - rumor has it their excellent multi-taskers, especially at 8am on the north eastern motorway putting on her make up while drinking a coffee and emailing office and texting her best friend and then still finding the time to DRIVE RIGHT INTO YOU!!!