A colorful Zelda style shooter.

User Rating: 6 | Dark Mist PS3

Dark Mist reminds me somewhat of the old style Zelda games that give you an overhead view and you can shoot enemies and they can shoot at you too and you'll need to find keys to move through dungeons,which means you'll be exploring lots of different rooms.Some dungeons have dark areas and you cannot see what's in those areas and you can easily fall into a pitfall but you can hear when your character is near the edge of a ledge because they make a sound indicating they're about to fall.

The real challenge of the game are it's boss battles because the bosses can withstand being shot a lot and they'll fly towards you and can be difficult to dodge and they'll shoot lots of projectiles at you.The boss battles are done in old style shoot em up gameplay.

If you get hit by just one energy attack you'll lose a life and if you lose all your lives you'll need to replay multiple dungeons and hope you can get through them with enough lives left to be able to defeat the bosses.Even though the game has an autosave feature,once you turn off the game you will lose all of your progress and have to start from the beginning of the game.

You can select a character from multiple characters and the characters/graphics have an Asian/anime style to them which is quite charming/cute.Even the vocals have a very Asian sound to them,which is quite cute.The projectiles glow bright colors,which I like.

I also like how the bosses are enormous.

Overall,it's a decent game for a price of 13 AUD,but I wish it had a proper save feature so I didn't have to beat the game in one sitting and it's quite hard too.