Let me make this short and sweet. It's Good

User Rating: 8.6 | Dancing Stage Universe X360
So yeah its another DDR game. if you dont know the object of this game is to step on arrows(using you actual feet) intime with music. It may sound simple but it can get quite complicated and most people are not good at this game and end up playing on the easy difficulties.

so as a DDR veteran who plays on the highest levels i will say this. There is no such thing a s a bad DDR game. They are all the same only that changes is the music and maybe a few game modes so if i were just scoring the music i would give it an 8.7 Its a decent list of songs but some some ps2 version have better collections then this and some of the song versions in universe are not the best versions .

There is also a game mode that is exclusive to the xbox and started in DDR ultramix 3 which is quest mode. Quest mode is the closest thing to a story mode as your going to get in a DDR game. It basicly consists of you dancing around the country trying to win dance tournaments.

My wishlist for DDR universe 2

i would really like to see a more in depth beginner mode because people really need help with DDR

i would like to see a Non stop mode like in the ps2 versions and arcade machines