Budget=Quality & Rating

User Rating: 8.7 | Dance Dance Revolution Konamix PS
To those of you who don't know what DDR is (all three of you) the game requires you to hit arrows on a pad when the cooresponding arrow reaches the top of the screen to some transparent arrows. While this may seem simplistic, this game will take hours to pick up and maybe a devoted year to master. This is a rhythim game, and so it relys on sound an, well, rhythim!
The Music makes the game for this genre, and DDR really delivers here! Techno and j-pop makes up most of the music, but you can find house, jazz, pop, and other genres of music here. Unfortuantely, you can never please everyone, and so i give sound a 9/10
Graphics are the game's falling point, but music games have you paying attention to arrows, and not the backgound, so graphics only apply to spectators. 7/10
Gameplay and Value are hard to rate, because of the diversity of people. if you like dancing and raver music, you'll feel at home here. if you dont like dancing, why are you reading this? As for value, you'll only truly enjoy this game if you have deep pockets. Small budgets will not have as much fun with this game as spenders will, due to the prices of the DDR mats. Quality goes from the standard cheap mats, to the more expensive foam mats, to the overpriced metal pads. What you will get is up to you. 7/10
Since i'm a fan of the DDR series, and already have a quality mat, my tilt is at a 10/10!
In conclusion, this game will only be as enjoyable as you are devoted to the genre.