DDR Extreme has good ideas with the Eyetoy but the other stuff is not really that great.

User Rating: 6.3 | Dance Dance Revolution Extreme PS2
DDR Extreme is the 1st game to mix in the Eyetoy which has some good games. However, the soundtrack really could've used more songs. Out of all the good songs(Paranoia, Trip Machine, The legend of MAX), you get a bunch of bad licensed songs(Go West, Like A Virgin, Kids In America). Also, the idea of playing the Game Mode a bunch of times just to unlock songs is idiotic. Plus, the Mission Mode has really hard goals where you have to stink and where the arrows are inverted. The soundtrack was promising but there were too many bad songs to keep me interested. This game really is for the extremists and for those who want to get every game in the collection. If you are planning on getting a DDR game, get DDR Extreme 2. Plus, there really isn't much difference between Nonstop and Challenge mode besides the fact you have 4 lives in challenge mode. The added Endless mode was great because you can just keep playing songs and you get a break stage after 5 songs.

Overall: Pass on this DDR because there's better ones out there.