Who needs the Atkins Diet when you have DDR?

User Rating: 9.8 | Dance Dance Revolution Extreme PS2
I love it, I love it, I love it!!!! Even the most uncoordinated bloke could play it. Do not play in a room with fragile things in it. You will be dancing and they will fall and shatter into itsy bitsy pieces. HA!!! You will play and play and play some more. Its extremely addicting and you will want to own all your friends. ^__^ And then there are always the people that use the controler and claim that they are master, when they are actually in denial. Any one that masters it with the controller and then thinks they can school other people on how to play need to be beat upside they're small, meaningless, empty heads!!!! >_<
It is the one game that is fun, has music, weirdo flashy lights, and keeps you in shape. I swear people should forget the atkins diet and go straight to the DDR diet. Eat whatever you want (within reason) and then play DDR for a while. I bet that you would most deffinately lose weight.
Its fun at parties and when you are just home alone. Its really fun though when there are people around to make fun of, or the other way around. Because after they blow out all that hot air about you, you can go and put that sucker in their place. Boo yah!
I think I'll go play it right now ^___~ DANCE!!!