This is portable mech gaming on a new scale... Fast fun and exciting this made is a great transition from the GC to NDS.

User Rating: 9 | Gekitou! Custom Robo DS
This ain't your usual mech on mech action. Rather than pilots and mechs instead we have commanders and robos. Instead of jumping into a mech to do battle commanders 'dive' into these tiny robos projecting their mind into them to control them and do battle. Don't judge them by their size either despite their ability to compress into a cube that can fit into your pocket these little guys pack quite the punch. So much so that with that power of course some nefarious people would plan to use them for their evil deeds and it looks like the local Police Squad is going to have their hands full... You being the hero you are will of course lend your own helping hand but when the story starts you don't even have a robo yet. Despite this you still have your dream of winning the Robo Cup and eventually joining the International Police Force when you grow up. After getting that robo you always wanted and running into your two new friends Liv and Dennis at school you find yourself on Team Numero Unos and diving head first into the game's story. The story itself is quite lengthy but as you might expect it a series of battles one after another when you find yourself having to fight be it for your team, a school rivalry, or for your very life as you get caught up in the world around you. It may not be more than an excuse to fight and not the deepest thing in the world but the story is long enough to provide a couple dozen hours of fun.

Thankfully with all this fighting the game has an extensive customization system to keep things fresh. As you fight opponents start using new parts and equipment and with each battle you find yourself earning money to get your own parts you can make your robo your very own equipping it with different frames, legs, bombs, pods, and weapons. With over 100 parts in the game how your robo plays is up to you and with each frame comes noticeably different combat characteristics. Beyond customizing your robos the battles themselves are pretty fun and action packed with your robos packed to the teeth with weapons you will find yourself jumping and dashing around dozens of different battlefields blasting your gun, setting off explosions, launching your pods, and if it comes down to it your melee attack leading into awesome combos. You don’t have ammo restrictions so you will be raining down fire on each other in these action packed battles.

The graphics are brilliant with 3D battlefields and 2D sprite based overworld. While the sprites aren’t especially beautiful the characters all have nice portraits that liven up the screen a bit. Your mechs are modular so and changes made to your mechs equipment reflect on your robot but this does lead them to look to look a bit blocky but when you battle with the camera out and all the fire and explosions on screen I doubt you will notice. Music adds some spice with everything catchy and high energy and all in all it is all wrapped up with a certain charm that only the Japanese can do.

If that is not enough for you then you can take your game into multiplayer with download play, multicard play, and the glorious online. The game does have some issues as the story being somewhat easy and some opponents downright cheap as they use illegal parts (I guess that’s why they are illegal). Beyond that there are some serious balancing issues as you will find some equipments a lot better than others but all in all they don’t detract too much from the game.

Bottom Line: A great transition of a series from console to DS this is a definite must play for the DS. A lot of game in a portable package.