Extreamly addicting! Love the cut scene. Great deal for only 39.99! Tons of replay value! BUY THIS ONE!

User Rating: 10 | Culdcept Saga X360
I went to the store to big up culdcept sega (witch for some reason dident come out untill the 7th.) But anyways, I was very surprized to find out it was only $39.99!! I took it home, unwraped it and through it in my xbox 360. Within no time I was running my version of culdcept saga on my big screen in full 1080p! It looked great! I allready played the demo so i picked it up quickly, and jumped right into the story mode. Witch has great cut scence! Their very long and kind of fun to watch. The first level is the level you play in the demo from xbox live marketplace. Was pretty easy to beatm however got a little bit harder now that its the real game. My plan is to play the story for the while, and unlock alot of the rare cards before i head online. My only concearn is the fan base. Will there be enough people to play online with? I'm sure but we'll see. I think it might be hard to find a match online at weird hours though. Anyways overall! Great Game!!! very addicting, very fun. Will recomend it to anyone who enjoys a challenge!


p.s. and yes.. i will be spending over 100 + hours in this game. just once i get online,