didnt wow meat first, but this game improves upon original and is one of my favorite games of all time!

User Rating: 9 | Crysis Warhead PC
My first play through on crysis warhead was a rocky one, its been over a year since i played crysis and had to become re-acclimated with the nano-suit. I felt that the action was amped up in this version but felt quite easy, especially with auto-ammo pickup (which detatched me from the game). I may be the only who thinks this but having koreans or aliens blasting u asu need to pick up a much needed ammo clip from a dead enemy so u may still keep fighting keeps the intesity up! My secomd run through of the game on the intense or hardest difficulty made the game shine. Everything was ramped up enemy damage of course but eliminating the cross hair a-la hard core mode in other games, forcing the koreans to speak... korean made this an expirence in strategic thought to successfully make it through the game safely.

now the only thing i didt really get attatched to was the story, yeah i know its the mission that "Psycho" was doing while the events in crysis was playing out, but it just seemed out of place. the charecters were slightly believable and voice acting was well, the cutscenes could have been directed better, and the voice actor for psycho really felt out of place making his charecter have believable "feelings". but towards the middle to the end i loved the charecter interactions and felt like i was "Psycho" and the mission relied on my "british" shoulders.

I have already been through the story mode twice now, and plan on running it once more.

Graphics: 10/10
sound: 9/10
control: 9/10
gameplay: 9/10
story: 8/10
replay: 10/10