An amazing, bold, stunning and brilliant shooter.

User Rating: 9 | Crysis 2 X360
Crysis 2 looks brilliant. The post-apocalyptic New York jungle is a sight to behold, and a gaming treasure, which makes this experience all the more pleasurable. It's gameplay is exceptional, and leaves the player with many choices on how they want to tackle a particular situation, either cloaking yourself to take out enemies quietly, or storming in guns blazing. Both are equally satisfying, and combat plays a massive part in the games immersive experience.

You'll spend most of the game storming through battlefields, gunning down aliens or enemy soldiers, anything that stands in your way. This is one of the things that makes the game so satisfying, as you truly feel the sheer and overwhelming power of the Nanosuit 2.0. Being able to kick cars out of your way, or to move them into a better position to provide cover is a real thrill, and power jumping into the air as you rain bullets down on your enemies is absolutely incredible. The story, to me was confusing as i've never played the first game, but the character's personality's are executed perfectly, and some characters make you hate them so much that you're determined to keep playing to see if you get to destroy them at one point, which is good, it drives the game forward.

All in all, Crysis 2 is an amazing shooter. One of the best looking games to come to the Xbox 360, and totally worth buying, even if you haven't played the first one.