Croc goes handheld.

User Rating: 4.3 | Croc 2 GBC
Being that I am writing this review five years after the release of Croc 2, I am going to be brief. I am writing this review in the age of Nintendo DS, with two, full color, 3D screens that have wiped out the age of large cartriges and passwords for handheld gaming. This game seems beyond abysmal looking at the games of 2006, but Croc 2 stands out as a bad game in my mind. First of all it used passwords, automatic no sell, I always lost them and soon I lost interest in the game. Second, it's grafics are good, and at the time seemed great compared to the 2D black and white grafics that filled handheld gaming screens before Game Boy Color. Still even with the excitement of color the game did not really fill my craving for great graphics. The gameplay was bland and I could have made a better story. Some games on the Game Boy Color still bring back great memories of my childhood, but that cannot be said for Croc 2. Save your money, buy Croc for the Computer or Playstation.