This game is a improvement on cricket 05.

User Rating: 8.1 | Cricket 07 PS2
The is a good cricket game. I still don't think the gameplay is as good as Ricky Pontings cricket, but it still is a improvement on 05. The new analog stick controls are really good. I think that this game has the best controls. The graphics have improved, and you can tell some of the players, by their faces. I haven't yet tried bowling, so i can't say if bowlings improved or not, but there is a new feature, Fake Pitch Point, in where you can deceive the batsman by setting a fake bowling area, and setting an actual bowling area.
The Stats in the game are still good as they were in Cricket 05.

Overall this game is quite good, not as good as Ricky Pontings, but it is certainly a contender. Some things need to be fixed for it to be the best. But for no, sit down, get comfy and play out the ashes