Cricket 07 is a great game but....

User Rating: 8.9 | Cricket 07 PS2
The Bad: In cricket 07 the batting is redicoulesly easy and you can basically hit six off every ball. I have only had cricket 07 since christmas and have already mastered batting even on the hardest difficulty. With the bowling i am going to have to say that it is extremely touchy and wherever you move the ball it gos past there if you do it the slitest bit over. In a big way this game is like ricky pontings cricket 2005.
The Good: The players look exactly like they do in real life and you can actually tell which player is which instead in most other games you have to look at the team lists to see which player you are bowling or batting with.
Overall i rate this game highly and have to say it is the best one in the series i have 2004 and have played 2005 and 2006 and this kicks all of them of the park.